A Stroll Down Beyonder

By Sofia Armon

With its blue feathered tail,
she strolls down Beyonder
With a boodap bop, and hippity hop,
A stumble and a catch, 
“Hey careful, what are you rushing for?” 
She looks into the deep hungered eyes, bag in clutch,
“Here, let me help you up”
and with the boodap bop she goes along.
With her feathered tail behind her,
her beak closed shut,
Only occasionally does a note or two escape. 
But when it does,
She dances and twirls and plays the
two doors over,
a pianist listens and joins in,
and a drummer overhears and begins playing to the beat,
Soon enough a jazzy tune above the city,
shaking it’s blue feathered tale.
And at every door and stand and construction site,
everybody pauses and looks up
They stop and puzzle,
“What music is that, what is that funk?”
Eventually everybody jiggles and wiggles
and stroll down Beyonder with
a little funk,
as they show their boodap bop.

Sofia Armon is a Los Angeles local seventh grade student who comes from a multicultural family and knows how to play different musical instruments. In fact, it was while learning to play Cantaloupe Island that she got inspired to write the poem.