Citrus Stand

By Will Sandberg

My wife and I pass a citrus stand every day on our way
to and from work. It isn’t really a stand; it’s a gas
station that sells a bunch of local citrus products and
tacky souvenirs. It’s a tourist trap. These citrus stands
are common here in Florida. They’re always off
freeway exits. Billboards advertise them for miles
ahead of the exits. FLORIDA’S FINEST CITRUS $3.99
A BAG FREE SAMPLES. The citrus stand near us has
a display with fake oranges and grapefruits. One time, 
I commented that they must use fake fruit; it’s 100
degrees in Florida, so if they left real fruit outside, it’d
rot. My wife said she’d never noticed, or cared to
notice, that the fruit was fake. I love that she doesn’t
care about dumb stuff like fake plastic fruit.

Will Sandberg graduated from Flagler College and lives in Florida. He loves his wife, PC gaming, and watching sports.