Conglomerate Jasper

By Mona Mehas

A masterpiece from Mother, the
Supreme Nurturer
Strength, stability its gifts
Ancient talisman 
You remind me of the moon, your 
Crevices, potholes
Connection to the entirety of
Peace and love, a
Reflection of its creation
I drown in your 
Gray, empty waterless lake
The other side 
Brown like sand, different yet
Same, conglomeration 
Of bits molded by heat, time, pressure
Color, form, places
Not perfection but pocked, beautiful
All sacred in Wisdom 
We harmonize with our primal self
Pebble to boulder

Mona Mehas (she/her) writes about growing up poor, accumulating grief, and climate change. A disabled, retired teacher in Indiana, she’s at her laptop most days with two old cats as chaperones. Previously, Mona used the pseudonym, Patience Young. She’s published in Moments Between, Backwards Trajectory, Loft Books, Last Stanza Poetry Journal Issue 9, and others. During the early pandemic she watched every Star Trek show and movie in chronological order and many online concerts. Follow on Twitter @Patienc77732097 or