Loss & Tea Time

By Tori VanProoyen

A numbness seeping to the bones 
hallowing them until they lack substance
brittle -they break- shattering and splintering 

Futile are the attempts to bring life back
withering away to dust without that which
holds it all together 

Until the memories arrive... 

Light clinking of tea cups 
saucers on lace doilies 
fresh aromas of tea and biscuits 
sitting up straight to uphold the social order
soft giggles, polite nods, telling eyes 
rose scented hands 
delicate expressions of love 
even when your touch 
is gone - the scent 
can find you again 

It is up to me to hold it together.

Tori VanProoyen lives an imagination-filled life in New Mexico. Her creative endeavors are inspired by playing with her black, possibly demonic cat named Vlad, slaying pixels during video game adventures, and lovingly torturing her foolishly-trusting friends as their dungeon master in Dungeons and Dragons. She was recently published in The Crow's Quill Magazine and you can find her random musings on Twitter @PoetrybyRixari.