my beckoning to you, mine

By Penelope Olivia

so young and beautiful in the lake shore breeze
skin glittering with the sand
oh stranger, salt my sea and wish for me when I'm missing

a mixture of adventure and adrenaline combined
descended from the gods themselves, a creation of the divine
oh whatever did I do to be able to call you mine?

don't you remember sharing the California King
trust me when I say that I'm on the end of your leash
oh darling don't ever make me leave
because you are my favorite release
oh wouldn't you be so kind
to keep me here forever

the bittersweetness of goodbye
is enough to wash out the nausea of saying hi
at least that's what I thought before our meeting
and you looked at me oh so sweetly
with irises
dotted like candelabra skies

I know you could decide to walk away without looking back
but you know your hold on me, so sharp, like a tack

you wished for me upon a star
and saw my reflection in the Midwestern moon
but I promise that wherever you are i will be thinking of you

Penelope Olivia Wilder is an undergraduate Playwriting and English Literature student at Columbia College Chicago in Chicago, Illinois. Her work has been included in numerous collegiate showcases such as Playwrights Aloud and The Playwriting New Stew. When not writing, she is often found playing video games or tending to indoor plants.