september 1st, 2020

By Henry Brown

gnashing-teeth squeal, blurred sight at the end--
all must be put to right at the end

seated on sheets still gone to slow down
rushing all fast as light at the end

sicker still now with old curtains drawn
respite from friday’s fight at the end

shuffled to fourth street against tear-gas
cutting through headline fright at the end.

bracing as veneer held close to chest
breaks down to shameless might at the end

stand and be counted with all the rest
punchdrunk still pushing right at the end

without names till faces meet eyeline;
new earth reflected bright at the end!

Henry D. Brown is a writer and senior Religion major/Spanish minor at Carleton College, where he co-chairs the Democratic Socialists of America. He co-edits dreams walking, a literary webzine. His writing has recently appeared in publications including giallo lit, Amethyst Review, Kingdoms in the Wild, After the Pause, Isacoustic, Neologism and Cypress.