
By Richard LeDue

They don't want to hear 
how some of the cake still sticks
on my plastic fork,  
even after being in my
mouth (reminding me of
white glue  smeared with a
popsicle stick for some long
grade school art project), while
they spit out words about
vacations, mortgage rates,
changes to pension plans
everyone nodding 
as I start to think of this
poem, knowing it will do
nothing to help their hunger.

Richard LeDue (he/him) was born in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, but currently lives in Norway House, Manitoba with his wife and son. His poems have appeared in various publications throughout 2020, and more is forthcoming throughout 2021. His first chapbook, “The Loneliest Age,” was released by Kelsay Books in autumn 2020, and a second chapbook, “The Kind of Noise Worth Writing Down,” is forthcoming in early 2022 from Kelsay Books.