The Nabe

By Jason de Koff

Adjoined moats of green,
invite the greater purpose,
to see what others cannot,
germinating unseen ties.

Without words a body develops,
each with different function,
a locale of parts stitching the grass,
of a woven welcome mat.

Thwarting invaders of flesh or mind,
forges the mettle within,
from the weather without,
fusing the fealty forever.

The enclosure provides sanctity of space,
but the unfurled fabric births the greater bond,
instigating the understanding,
that the future’s past is built on.

Jason de Koff is an associate professor of agronomy and soil science at Tennessee State University. He lives in Nashville, TN with his wife, Jaclyn, and his two daughters, Tegan and Maizie. He has been published in a number of scientific journals, and recently had poetry accepted or published in Thorn Literary Magazine, Dreams Walking, Twist in Time, and Analogies and Allegories. His short story, “The Gods of Indianapolis”, was published in 2014 in the Mythic Indy anthology by Well Done Marketing.